Turn The Beat Around
Take a deep breath and plunge right in
You might think cats are afraid of water, but Kitty's quite an exceptional feline, and one of his favourite places to party is actually on water. And we're not talking about some pool party, but honest-to-goodness seawater. Like the ocean. With fishes.
So his second party theme is an underwater party, and to help you out, we're putting in Bensalem furni in the Catalogue to make sure you have the perfect decorations for the perfect farewell celebrations!
What do I need to do?
· Decide if you want to create a large room (50 Habbos max) or small room (25 Habbos max) party. Your party has to stick to the announced theme. We're planning on having 3 themes, so you've got 3 chances of winning.
· Send your entry over to competitions.sg [at] sulake.com with your Habbo name, the attached screenshot, and a short description of what makes your party awesome. You can review our submission guidelines before sending in your entry.
· In your email's header, write in the name of the theme and whether you're joining the small room or large room category, e.g. 'Underwater Party - Small Room'.
· You can join as many times as you want, as long as you haven't won previously. If you've already won in either the large or small room category, then we can't pick you, since we want others to get their chance as well.
· The winning large room entry will receive:
- an Aqua Ice-Cream Maker
- 3 months' VIP membership
· The winning small room entry will receive:
- a set of Architeuthis teleports
- 1 month's VIP membership
We're accepting all underwater party rooms until 2 June, and we'll announce the final party room theme that day as well. So get ready to take the plunge and party the night away!
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